Now, this entry is not about the Jeremy Schwartz that was on that one episode of "Rescue Me" (Great show, by the way) so if you were looking for him, you're going to be sorely disappointed. Though I can not imagine you looking for THAT Jeremy Schwartz...I mean, come on; I IMDB'd that guy and he's done nothing. But if you really want me to then I'll write about him at some point.
Anyway, this particular entry is about Jeremy Schwartz, ex-guitarist/songwriter for Massachusetts based Hardcore/Metalcore band Ice Nine Kills. Those of you who know me know that I am a huge Ice Nine Kills fan, however after hearing their newest songs on their myspace (new album out this summer), I must say that they have declined since the unexplained departure of Mr. J Schwartz.
So that sucks.
On the other hand, after some research, I discovered that Jeremy has recently been doing some solo recording of his own. It's not old Ice Nine Kills...in fact, there's very little that could even resemble or be compared to hardcore music. But, Jeremy proves that he is an amazing songwriter by experimenting with an indie/classic metal feel as well as some of his trademark emo acoustic songs.
Oh, also, almost all of his songs are about sex or heartbreak. Or both. So I guess if you're into that...yeah.
Unfortunately, he hasn't released a solo album (yet) but I can only hope that he is in the process of creating one for all of us. In the meantime, I will provide you with the link to his myspace, which is the only place that you can listen to his songs so far (well, two of the newest ones at least).
Enjoy Everyone!
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